Moxie Mom On Life and Kids

MOXIE MOM on Life & Kids

Holiday Madness

Yesterday I drove out Northwest Rd. to the Fred Meyer on Bakerview for a few things I thought our house needed. Big mistake. I’m not kidding. If you need to pick up groceries, or anything else out that direction, don’t bother. Or go early in the morning if you have to go, because people are truly nutty. Sheesh. And I don’t think it will abate until the weather hits again. (To quote Subdued Mom, I say “bring it.”) 

Not only are people stocking up for the next storm that’s supposed to coming in (okay, yes, sensible), they’re in a kind of panicked frenzy, and they’re pulling stunts in their cars they would never normally pull. Add a layer of ice on the roads, and it’s really fun. All that on a road that’s not long enough to accommodate the cars coming off the freeway, as well as the cars going to and fro in and out of Fred’s too-small parking lot (no parking to be had, by the way), and the place looked like Seattle on a summer Friday afternoon. Except for the temperatures, of course.

So this morning, Curt and Ty are out doing secret things and I suggested, kindly but firmly, they head downtown to the Allied Arts Festival. Not a good place for groceries, but great for Christmas shopping.

By the way, I never did make it to the park to play in the snow with the kids the other day, and no one bonked any heads, and all was well. I knew I made the right decision. :)

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